Thursday 12 December 2013

Prezi x

Prezi- Ideas Matter

Never before this course had I heard of Prezi ( I know I say that about all the tools, but its true I know how to use Facebook and Microsoft word!). Like all the other online digital tools, you have to join or sign up to make an account to be able to use and experiment with what the site has to offer.
Prezi needs Adobe Flash player installed onto your computer for the program to be able to run, which could cause problems for schools who do not have it or at home if parents of students wish to not download Adobe. Prezi would be recommend for students of higher year levels as it is A LOT harder to use than your average powerpoint, like powerpoint you can add photos, videos and audio to your presentation, therefore it would not be an ideal tool to HAVE to have in the classroom. Although Prezi allows you to add minute detail not possible in PowerPoint, they share almost the same features (Prezi of course being online). Prezi could be used in the classroom for presentations as a group or individually. It would be a great tool for assessment pieces or for teacher use to keep track of planning. I made a Prezi presentation on some of the things that I love.

And here it is..

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