Thursday 12 December 2013

Glogster x


An online scrapbook! How fun is this tool!! I love how you can make so many different varieties of pages and add whatever you like! It is a very interactive and engaging online tool that is a must in the classroom, very fun! At first it can be hard to navigate around the page and learning how to add images and sounds, but once you get the hang of it, it is really quite simple. It’s a really fun online tool that would keep students engaged for hours!


This is my favourite online tool by far! For students I the classroom it allows their creative and individual features bloom. As Glogster is very engaging and easy to use it could be used in any year level, providing clear instructions are set. It is a safe online tool and you can change the privacy settings to private for all your students so only you the teacher can see what your students have created. Being able to upload sound files, videos and pictures also incorporating text, makes this tool flexible to embed in most subjects at school. As a glog could be used individually or in a group, this is a great tool for building friendly environments but also allows students to work on their own.

Glogster would be a very useful tool in the classroom for teachers and students, teachers could create glogs to introduce units to their students making them highly engaged, (saves paper too!). I think Glogster is a fantastic online tool and would benefit the classroom teachers and students.
Here is my Glogster poster- Paris I love it

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