Wednesday 4 December 2013

Images, Video and Audio Tools x

The focus this week is on multimedia. Multimodal learning is about using Digital tools and making the most of them. Using digital tools in the classroom to enhance learning outcomes for all students to achieve and succeed not only in your classroom but for the rest of their schooling journey.  As a component of the Australian curriculum our aim is to enhance learning using these support tools. Undeniably we have evolved into a word where technology is taking over and changing faster than we can keep up. We must keep our skills sharp and continue to gain new ways of using digital tools to engage students, guiding them the BEST we can.
This week has been a journey looking at the way things work, Video, Images and Pod casts ( I had NO idea what a pod cast was).  Through understanding these tools, there are many useful ways in which they could be used in the classroom.

Using Digital Tools

- Saves paper (we all need to look after the environment!)
- Encourages collaboration (two great minds are better than one)
- Recourses at our fingertips
- Personalise Learning
Resizing and uploading digital photos
Original- size: 886KB

Resized- 75% smaller Size: 77KB
The world of Flickr.. AMAZING. For the first time today I joined flickr, I had hear of it before and many of my friends ‘follow’ others profiles, looking at their photos. One of the most popular repositories of digital images online is Flickr. It had never interested me before today, but the amount of images is unbelievable (you have to see it to believe it). Anyone can upload a photo and tag it with a topic to go web wide (and the best beauty It’s FREE). I have found it to be one of the most enjoyable program on the web for a long time. Members share an incredible amount of amazing work on Flickr. If there is an image you'd like to use, "Request to license" on the photo page to be able to use a photo from the site then copy the HTML code (easy as it sounds, it really is this easy) then paste the code into the HTML section on blogger.
As I am a ‘style stealer’ I love fashion blogs and pages. I typed in fashion- Paris fashion week (their style is perfect) and countless pictures, too many to look at appeared before my eyes. Here is one of my favourite picture I found from Flickr..
Paris Fashion Week x

Paris Fashion Week in February/March 2012


Flickr would be one of my favourite tools to use in the classroom, I would defiantly involve it in any topic I could. As it is simple to use (and safe), it would make searching for pictures a very easy task, with many to choose from. Teachers would be able to search for images related to their lesson and use them as the ‘hook’ for their lessons. As long as teachers are aware that any images uploaded can be viewed by flickr uses, permission to use students in the class would have to be gained. It would be a great tool to share photos of class progress and activities throughout the term at a parent information night.


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