Monday 9 December 2013

Digital Video x

Movie Maker
Videos in the classroom can be used to engage students in all learning areas and instruction can result in significant gains in basic or higher-order learning, if applied appropriately. There are many programs around these days that are “fool proof”, basically anyone can become a small movie producer. Technology has made it easy for students to be able make their own movies for projects, making them fun, interesting and hands on, students can work individually (depending on the schools resources) or in groups. Students would be able to add digital imagery, voice overs and text to their movies utilising many ICT’s.
I made my video using my mobile phone, it is of my dogs playing with their new toy (I could not think of anything else). At first I experimented with iMovie, but I find it hard to use sites that make movies on your computer. I uploaded my video to Facebook and then converted it to save onto my laptop to be able to upload the video to my blog page, a lot of work for a 20 second video. This would not be a readily way of uploading videos for teachers at school, if you pre plan to use the video for a lesson it worked wonders for me and was the easiest way I could find.
This is my video, no editing.

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