Thursday 12 December 2013

Airpano x

Airpano- Virtual World Tour
Airpano is a tool I used in a SOSE project for uni, to look at views from 360 degree angles. This would be a very usefull tool to use in the classroom for History and Geography. I love it and the places you can ‘visit’ gives you a real life perspective of them and virtual tours around the world. Students in the class would have a great time exploring!

Here is the link to my favourite place I the world- Paris, France:
'France is one of the most famous countries in Europe, and Paris is probably the most famous city in the world. Paris is rightfully called "the city of light". It is not because of its extensive illumination - otherwise any major city would claim the title - but because the capital of France has been a centre of education, arts and philosophy for many centuries'.

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