Thursday 12 December 2013

PowerPoint x


PowerPoint is the first digital tool I ever used, in school and once in my work place. They are by far one of the easiest tools to learn how to use at just about any age and you can incorporate just about anything into them (voice overs, videos, music, picture and creative writing just to name a few). They can be made to be very engaging and add a ‘real life’ feeling to new learning's. The beauty of PowerPoint is you can follow a template or create your own, there easy step by step templates are fun and easy to use, making it easy for all students to personalise their work.


For teachers in the classroom Powerpoint can be used as the ‘hook’, to engage students into a new topic, they can be used throughout the unit of work or just as a creative activity. Teachers are able to create numerous supporting powerpoints for a unit of work, to lighten the load in the classroom, you can add as many slides as you like and alter them as you need. Like many of the digital tools you are able to add images, audio and creative text to powerpoints. As powerpoint generally comes with computers / laptops as you purchase them, it is a readily digital tool with many great features for teachers to use in the classroom and even for their own planning. I made this powerpint for my first ever university assignment, although not all that interesting it is still a large starting point in my studying chapter of life. I took me many hours to complete, and at the time I was VERY impressed with my ability of powerpoint creativity. I converted my powerpoint to a video file so that I could upload it onto my blog page.

Here it is…
I found this presentation on slide share and it is amazing-

'The Purpose of Education'


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