Monday 9 December 2013

Dipity- Online Timeline x

My life on the line

Making an online timeline and being able to add events as they happen is fantastic! I found it to be one of the best online tools. It’s simple and easy to use and I find that the best part over all (great for non-savvy techs). I created a timeline on significant events that have happened throughout my life, its nice to look back now and then and remember your own achievements. It was very simple to get the HTML code to place in my blog for others to view.
 Dipity would be a great useful and fantastic tool to use in the classroom, as it is easy to use and easy to access. This could be used in the classrooms for students to share with their peers and teachers ‘their life on the line’, and all the significant events that have happened throughout their lives. This would be a good tool for students to show when they have completed tasks towards a project, or to show the progress of a study during SOSE. It would come in handy for history to research a historical even and show it on a timeline. The great thing about dipity in the classroom is it’s easy to share with peers and teachers and you are able to make changes as you create your timeline. Definitely a must for ‘classrooms of the future’.

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