Saturday 9 November 2013

Mobile Phones in the Classroom?

“If you never change your mind, why have one?”
Edward De Bono

Should mobile phones be used in the classroom? A question we often think about, the good and the bad have to be looked at in the world we live in today. By using Edward De Bono’s thinking hats, this allows us to look at the issue in different ways.

I spent some time researching mobile phone usage in the classroom, the result of a debate show what many people think and the findings are interesting,  73 % of people who have commented believe that yes they should be allowed in the classroom, while only 27% believe they belong safe and sound at home. I vote NO! but here are some thoughts of others (if your like myself, others opinions can be very convincing on helping you decide the pros and cons)-

Yes, of course! I think cell phones should be allowed in school because if you forget something at home you could call your parents to bring it to school. Like when you forget your homework. Also when you're staying at school and you forget to tell your parents that you're staying at school, and/or you want to go somewhere after school to hang out with your friends.

Posted by: Anonymous


Cell phones could increase cheating. If a student decides to bring his or her cell phone to school, there is a possibility that they would use it in class while no one knows. Then, once they get used to doing that, they will start texting while they take a test. This can cause a big increase in cheating.

Posted by: Anonymous


Cell phones can be used to search. Schools often don't have enough computers to go around, so why shouldn't kids with cell phones be able to use theirs? It would let others use the technology available, so that there is enough to go around. Cell phones are technology of this century, with new responsibilities. Kids should learn how to harness this new method of learning to power our species forward.

Posted by: Anonymous


Cell Phones can be Deadly. “Ring ring.” Cell phones are an unstoppable force and they should not be used in the classroom. What can we do? Well, there are many things we can do when a cell phone is found on a student. The phone will be confiscated and a phone home will be required. The child doesn't need a cell phone, the school has one in almost every room. Cell phones even interfered with a test. One kid in Texas took a picture of a test and printed them out and sold them. says that phones can detonate real bombs. If there's anyone who can defend against that do so because I would like to see you try. Cell phones have now gone from a call home to cheating on tests too putting kids life in danger.

Posted by: Anonymous

For more responses visit:
De Bono's Hats collaborative ‍activity -
The Good
Mobile phones have many apps that can be downloaded that can be used for learning and could be a great learning support tool if they are used and managed correctly. They would bring a new form of ICT's into the classroom that can enhance each and every students learning outcomes.  As I have grown up in the society of ICT's I find them useful for many things, but the classroom is a no go zone for the mobile phone. I have always believed that because I was influenced by my teaches strongly that the phone was to be left at home I have that opinion embedded in my head, however mobile phones now days have many benefits for learning and can contribute many great learning goals if used correctly.
The Bad and the Ugly.
Mobile phone usage in the classroom would be a big distraction to students in the classroom, mainly with the students of older grades using this as a more 'social' device then a leaning tool. Although learning could be enhanced with the usage of mobile phones in the classroom is there really such a need for them? Many rules would need to be placed to ensure the phones are being used appropriately, leading to more enforcement for teachers to 'worry' about, possible something more to have to monitor that is not necessary. Mobile phones in the classroom a more a want not a need.

Built on Vygotsky’s Social Constructivism theory, learning from interactions supports the activity deeply as students use their own findings and construct their own opinions as well as evaluating  others ideas and opinions. This task also allows students to engage in the Connectivism theory by allowing students to find information that may be useful for them themselves for other tasks. By using the six thinking hats and evaluating each hat, ‘if the hat fits, why not use it?’, I found that this idea could work and possible very well, as it is very engaging and hands on to keep interest in the topic.