Thursday 31 October 2013

Sir Ken Robinson- My Inspiration

“The fact is that given the challenges we face, education doesn't need to be reformed -- it needs to be transformed. The key to this transformation is not to standardize education, but to personalize it, to build achievement on discovering the individual talents of each child, to put students in an environment where they want to learn and where they can naturally discover their true passions.”
― Ken Robinson, The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything

Dr. Judy Willis- How the Brain Learns Best

Watching the Edutopia video was surprisingly interesting (if you can listen to monotone lecturing for an hour), at first with the 'big' scientific terms being used I could feel myself getting fidgety and un engaged, I had to force myself to focus, although it has helped me understand how the brain works when it comes to taking in new information. Habits unfortunately cannot just 'be broken' in a matter of hours after watching a video, but now I can make connection as to why my brain shuts of if I am stressed, un interested or board.  Strangely enough I started to make connection with the video and soon after, the not so 'big' terms became more familiar and I found myself understanding the information. Stress and uncertainty has a large impact on students learning, this is a very important aspect to understand when teaching children new information, stress can cause the brain to block the neurons from reaching the thinking part of the brain, therefore this information is only being seen or heard and therefore not transferring to learning's that stick. Stimulating the thinking section of the brain allows the students to engage in the activity and their ability to learn. By supporting a stable and familiar environment, which can help prevent stress, you are then allowing the most important information into the front cortex of the brain.

"Students learn best by connecting new, related information to their stored patters of knowledge"- Dr. Judy Willis.

- Fear of being wrong
- Embarrassed to read aloud
- Frustration & Boredom

Prevention is always better than finding a solution. Personalising content for students in the classroom can make lessons more fun and engaging, frequent feedback is a valuable way positively reinforcing your learners and asking questions to gain knowledge of students understandings, allow yourself to become familiar with each individual student, to allow successful planning to suit each and every learner to ensure 'no student left behind'.

   Neuroscience is a complex field. Some further information
  from the experts to help you understand the brain activity.
What you see here are four neuro images of four different brains. The main thing to notice is the metabolic activity, the most brain activity is in the neuro image on the bottom right, where it says, "Thinking about words." And that's where the activity is in the prefrontal cortex. That's the front of the brain. All the brains are facing to your left, and these are side views. The only place in the brain where conscious activity goes on, decision-making, memory storage, in terms of conscious memories, the only place where that happens significantly is in this prefrontal cortex. The lit up areas in the other brains, hearing words, seeing words, speaking words, those are all below consciousness. Those are simple responses. But in the thinking about words there's actual cognition, thinking, active mentation, thinking about things going on. And that's why it's so important to realize that there are pathways from the time there's information in the environment- environmental sounds, sights, touches- to get that information into this thinking conscious part of the brain. - Dr. Judy Willis

I Suggest anyone who has not watch the video to watch it, the information is valuable to help you understand many students in your classrooms.
From Me x

Monday 28 October 2013

Dear Diary- It's all about me?

Hi there, my name is Kara and I am in my first year of study at CQU, completing a Bachelor of Learning Management (primary education). I am 20 years of age, I have two boys, Calvin (mini foxy) & Bossy (staffy), they keep me very busy all of the time. I read blogs most days but creating one and being a "blogger" is hard!, but stay posted as I'm sure there will be a lot to share.